Collaborators & Apprenticeships

Are you trained in holistic healing, energy work, birth work, mental health or spiritual care, but feel there are gaps in your ability to sustain and grow your work?

Need support in business and marketing, while tending to your own self-care and nervous system?

Do you want to expand your skills and audience for teaching on care topics to community, health care institutions or policy makers for systemic change?

Are you looking for part-time income, or opportunities to pick up extra hours as needed in the work you love?

Join Our Circle of Practitioners


  • Affordable room, event or teaching space rentals

  • Access to paid community requests for healers

  • Customized apprenticeship in trauma-informed bodywork, birth work, abdominal care, Afrofuturist and global Indigenous healing approaches

  • Individualized coaching in setting and reaching business, teaching or self-care goals

  • Monthly Training Videos and Zoom Q&A

  • In-person Anatomy & Technique Training Days

“Our souls do not like stagnation. Our souls aspire toward growth, that is, toward remembering all that we have forgotten due to our trip to this place, the earth. In this context, a body in pain is a soul in longing.”
Malidoma Patrice Somé, Ritual: Power, Healing and Community
